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Ha! You would like to read this, wouldn't you?

I am a tall, slender build woman, who's age shall be a riddle for all eternety :) My birthday is at August 20. I normaly wear contacts, except when they hurt, than I wear glasses... I like to keep my hair short, around the chin, like on the picture.

  • I was born and raised on Terschelling, which is an small island in the northern parts of Holland. (Look it up, you will see it's almost the biggest of all the dutch islands!)
  • When I was 8 my daddy, who is a teacher, moved to Holten, were I grew up, and did all the naughty things you can expect of a healthy dutch girl.
  • I went to elementary school here, not much fun if you are used to an island!
  • I went to High School where I graduated after 6 years.
  • I moved to Enschede and spend two years on the Technological University in Twente where I pretended to study Computer Science.
  • Well, I didn't like the University, so I went to the HIO (Hogere Informatica Opleiding = College for Computer Science) at which I graduated. They gave me a degree in Computer Science! Incredible!
  • Next I started my own company 'Polyware'.
Lets see, what more can I tell? I like tea very much, all kinds of tea flavours, except melon, that is really yuk! I don't drink coffee, i tried a few times, but didn't like the taste of it; I can't understand what people see in it!

Oh! I baked a bread the other day, it was my first one, so it deserves a place here. I thought it would be a difficult process but no, just buy a box full of ingredients, some kneading, and into the oven. 50 minutes later you have the smell of a dillicious bread going through your house...

Page design by J.P.M. Middelink, last edited at 2001-03-27 09:37:18
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